Minutes of meeting of APBEE(CWC) held on dated 14/05/2023.
An online meeting of the Central Working Committee(CWC) of APBEE was conducted by the central executive team on dated 14 May 2023 .
Following are the minutes of meeting :-
(1.) SEA to AE exam :- APBEE has filed case on SEA to AE promotion on dated 12/05/2023(Friday) in Principle Bench CAT New Delhi with the following prayers and interim relief :-
(A.) Set aside the impugned order dated 22.08.2022 as being illegal and devoid of merits.
(B.) To direct the departments to finalize recruitment regulations to enable consideration of the candidature of the Applicants to the post of Assistant Engineer within a period of two months.
(C.) Declare that the members of the Applicant Association are eligible to appear in the examination contemplated under advertisement notification no. 1/16/2022-S.IV (B)/85 dated 06/03/2023 issued by the Department DG:AIR.
(D.) To direct the departments restraining them from conducting any DPCs to the post of SEA for all categories of employees including those recruited before 05.10.2007 till such time as the Recruitment Regulation for SEA for employees recruited after 05.10.2007 are framed or the proposed merger of the posts of EA and SEA is pending with MIB is finalized.
Till the pending of final decision on the application, the Applicants seek the following interim relief:
(a.) Stay the operation of advertisement notification no. 1/16/2022-S.IV (B)/85 dated 06/03/2023 issued by DG:AIR.
(b.) Alternatively, direct the Departments to treat the members of the Applicant association as eligible to provisionally appear in the examination envisaged in advertisement notification no. 1/16/2022-S.IV (B)/85 dated 06/03/2023 subject to the outcome of the present Original Application.
(2.) EA to SEA promotion in NZ:-
APBEE has already taken stay on EA to SEA promotion in CAT Delhi by Yogesh & others case until the reply filed by the department.The next date of hearing in this case is on 06/07/2023.
(3.) Technician Case :- As all of you know that APBEE has already filed a case for PB Technicians for granting pay parity of GP ₹ 4200 and inclusion in ongoing merger of tech/Sr. tech/diesel tech/mas tech. Department has not filed reply in this case till date due to which it was delayed so far. Meanwhile we are trying to convince the department to file reply in this case so that hearing will take place on time. Next date of hearing in this case is on dated 19/05/2023.
(4.) Mahesh Prasad ₹ 4600 GP case :-
As we know that department has filed a Writ Petition in High Court Delhi to challenge the CAT Delhi order dated 13/03/2018 in OA No. 3436/2015 filed by Mahesh Prasad & others.The next date of hearing is on 31th of August.
Meanwhile Contempt Petition which was continued in this case in CAT Delhi was disposed off as interim basis and Hon’ble Judges told that if Writ Petition will be dismissed in High Court and order will come in favour of Applicants then the Contempt Petition will be reopen in CAT Delhi to pressurise the department for compliance the order.
(5.) Generalization ₹ 4600 GP Case :-
APBEE has given latest reminder representation of ₹ 4600 GP in Prasar Bharati last week for all APBEE EAs.Most probably lawer will finalize the draft OA in next week and will be filed very soon in CAT Delhi.Also we will try to extend the verdict of Mahesh Prasad & others case in this case.
(6.) NPS issue:-
NPS 14% for PB employees was approved by the Prasar Bharati board. Prasar Bharati has sent this proposal to ministry for intimation.Hopefull the order of NPS 14% for PB employees will be issue very soon.
(7.) Medical issues:-
In this regard on the behalf of APBEE representation, PBRB had constituted a medical committee for the medical issues of PB employees including enhancement of OPD limit. The first meeting of the board was held few days ago.
We have further given our latest represententation which includes comprehensive medical issues like, CGHS, OPD limit, issuing clarification on the settlement of medical bills and other medical issues.
We are hopefully waiting for the outcome of the committee.
(8.) APBEE Recognition :-
As all of you know that recognition process has already been started for the associations. In this regard APBEE has mailed the recognition representation in Prasar Bharati with all relevant documents.But as per current policy, our recognition process will become separately.For association recognition, at least two cadres have to be must represented in this regard. Presently,until now only the PB Engineering association (APBEE) has started representation for recognition process. When PB board will approve the process of recognition for PB employees association then our recognition process will starts separately.
(9.) CGHS issue :- In this regard our former CEO Sh. Mayank Agrawal has already sent a DO letter to MIB for extending the CGHS facility to Prasar Bharati employees.On behalf of this DO letter MIB sent the proposal to Health Ministry.We are regularly pursuing this matter in healt ministry for put this proposal in right way. Previously one of the higher officer of Health Ministry told us that if Prasar Bharati wants,then by putting CGHS facility in its service condition,PB employees may avail CHHS facilities.
(10.) We also discussed the other issues such as HBA , group insurance,OPS for deceased PB employees etc.
In this meeting we have decided to give reminder representation on all above mentioned issues to our new CEO to settle our issues on priority basis.
With regards
APBEE Central Team
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