The retirement benefits such as gratuity and leave encashment in respect of Government employees on deemed deputation to Prasar Bharati are being referred to concerned PAO’s for per-auditing and corrections for any shortcoming/discrepancies. But there was no procedure for the settlement of retirement benefits i.r.o Prasar Bharati (CAB) employees recruited after 05-10-2007.Due to this the […]
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Category: Finance related Orders
Gratuity to the Prasar Bharati Employees
Prasar Bharati is in receipt of various representations on the applicability of Gratuity to the Prasar Bharati employees recruited after 05.10.2007.
Non Productivity Linked Bonus for the Year 2018
In pursuance of the decision taken by the Prasar Bharati Board in its 152ndmeeting held on 15.02.2019, the Prasar Bharati employees recruited after 05.10.2007will be paid Non productivity Linked Bonus for the accounting year 2018-19.
Implementation of 7th Central Pay Commission to the employees of Prasar Bharati
Prasar Bharati has approved for the payment of 7th CPC arrears in the month of May, 2018 in respect ofPrasar Bharati employees recruited after 05.10.2007.
Implementation of the recommendation of the 7th Central Pay Commission – Extension of revised pay st
Prasar Bharati vide aforesaid letter has approved the implementation of revisedpay scales, allowances and other benefits, by replacing the existing Pay Band and GradePay with the corresponding Level in the Pay Matrix in the revised pay structurerecommended by the ih Central Pay Commission and notified in the CCS(Revised Pay)Rules, 2016, to the Prasar Bharati employees […]