Mr. Himanshu is an ambitious and hardworking engineering graduate who just got appointed as EA in Prasar Bharati, in the grade pay of 4200. Himanshu joined his office on 15th June 2015 at Delhi and was quite happy with the perks and salaries offered to him as well as from the job profile.
His office colleagues and seniors also told him about some travel expenses reimbursement offered to him by his employer for his Hometown and All India tours, that was super exciting for Himanshu who was also a traveler by heart. He explored more about this from a book in his office called “SWAMY HANDBOOK”, it contains all the service related rules and regulations and was very informative also.
He found that “Fresh Recruits” like him will be eligible for 8 continuous LTC (Leave Travel Concession) after completing One year of service. First three years will be for Hometown visit and in 4th year he can visit anywhere in India, again 5th, 6th and 7th calendar year will be Hometown LTC and 8th will be again All India LTC.
The yearwise timeline in the case of Himanshu is given in the following table(click to enlarge the table):
The Detailed rules are following:
- In Prasar Bharati, the LTC rules are taken as it is for Central Government Employees by the PB order dated 28th July 2015 (Page 2, 5th point) Click Here for Order Copy.
- The Current CG rule for LTC for fresh recruits provides 8 LTC continuously with their families in each calendar year after completing one year of service. In this 8 continuous LTCs 1st, 2nd and 3rd LTCs will be Hometown and 4th will be All India LTC, in same pattern 5th,6th, and 7th will be Hometown and 8th will be All India LTC and please note the block year rules of LTC will not be applicable in the case of this fresh recruits rules . Click Here for Order FAQs. (Special Rules for Hometown to J&K,NE and AN conversion is discussed further).
- Special Provision to Convert Home Town LTC to Andamans, NorthEast and J&K: Government of India: All eligible employees of PB can convert one out of three Hometown LTC(i.e. 1st, 2nd and 3rd OR 5th,6th and 7th) to travel North East, J&k and Andamans Nicobar islands as a special relaxation scheme provide by DOPT by the Order dated 19th Sep 2016 (Order Copy Here). Note: The employees whose hometown and headquarter/offices are in same city are not eligible for this relaxation.
- The tickets for LTC should be booked only through Authorized Travel Agents (viz. M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company’, ‘M/s Ashok Travels & Tours’ and ‘IRCTC’), through Airline Counter or its official website.Booking of tickets
through other agencies or online portals like Yatra, Paytm, Makemytrip is not permitted.
Disclaimer: This post is just informative and information should be verified. Author or APBEE will not be responsible for any disputes or losses.
Is there any extension option to avail 2019 all india to 2020 ??
No .. its not possible till 8 yrs
What about the difference in single turned married in service period?? What is the change in rules of LTC??
Applicable for both married and single..see the word family in order, its also in faq
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