
The Returning Officer appointed by President, APBEE, hereby announce the elections for APBEE for the term 2024-2026. Elections shall be held for the following posts according to the schedule provided.
Central Office Post Details:
President (one no.), General Secretary (one no.), Additional General Secretary (one no.), Treasurer (one no.),Assistant Treasurer (one no.), Vice President(AIR) (one no.), Vice President(DD) (one no.), Secretary(Women) (one no.), Secretary(EA) (one no.), Secretary(Tech) (one no.).
Zonal Offices and Post Details:
North Zone (Delhi); East Zone (Kolkata); West Zone (Mumbai); South Zone (Chennai); North East Zone
Zonal President (one from each zone)
Zonal Secretary (AIR) (one from each zone)
Zonal Secretary (DD) (one from each zone)
Joint Secretary (Women) (one from each zone)
Joint Secretary (EA) (one from each zone)
Joint Secretary (SEA/EA) (one from each zone)
Joint Secretary (Tech) (one from each zone) (one from each zone)
State Office Post Details:
State Secretary (one from each state)
Joint State Secretary (One From each State If members in that state are more than 50 )

RO Email:
Sh. Akshay Kumar (ARO) Mob: 7060074721 ,
Sh. Satya Bhasker Singh (ARO) Mob: 9112480965
Sh. Saurabh Saini (Website Administrator) Mob: 9760197156

Schedule for APBEE Election 2024 -2026
Election Schedule
Voters (members) details edit window 12-09-2024 to 16-09-2024
Membership cutoff date/Last date for APBEE membership: 16-09-2024
Submission of Draft voter list to RO 17-09-2024
Candidate Nomination start date 18-09-2024
Candidate Nomination close date 21-09-2024
Candidate Nomination withdrawal date 23-09-2024
Final Candidate List 24-09-2024
Election Dates 26-09-2024 (08:00 AM to 08:00 PM)
Result Date 27th September 2024