
Minutes of the meeting conducted at DD News Delhi on dated 11th July 2023.

Team APBEE has conducted a physical meeting on dated 11th July at DD News Delhi. More than 70+ members from various offices have attend the meeting and raised their questions. Their questions were answered by APBEE office bearers.

Following are the minutes of meeting :-

(1.) Court case 1- EA to SEA promotion in North Zone :-

The Hon’ble CAT Delhi has already given stay on DPC of EA to SEA promotion till the next date of hearing. It’s next date of hearing is on 6th September 2023. Our agenda is formation of RR for the next promotional post of PB EA.

(2.) Court Case 2- EA to AE promotion case :-

In EA to AE promotion case Hon’ble CAT Delhi had given stay on first hearing dated 19/05/2023 and the same was vacated on dated 01/06/2023 subject to the outcome of OA No.1475/2023.
It’s next date of hearing for the main prayer is on 25th September 2023.
The agenda of APBEE is very clear, the LDCE exam of AE post should not conduct at any cost untill the inclusion of PB EAs.

(3.) Court case 3 – Mahesh Prasad & Others 4600 GP case :-

As we know department has challenged the CAT judgment of Mahesh Prasad & Others case in High Court Delhi and the next date of hearing is on 31/08/2023.

(4.) Court case 4 – Ratheesh PK & Others case for 4600 GP :-

This case was listed in CAT Delhi on dated 06/07/2023. Hon’ble judges accepted after hearing the arguement of both council that this case is very identical to the case of Mahesh Prasad & Others but the same is pending in High Court Delhi.
If High Court judgment comes in favouer of Mahesh Prasad & others the same will be extended in this case.Next date of hearing of this case in CAT Delhi is on dated 20/09/2023

(5.) Court case 5 – 4200 GP for PB Technicians and also inclusion in ongoing merger of Tech./Sr.Tech case. :-

Department has not filed reply in this case till date and the next date of hearing is on 24th July 2023.

(6.) Court case 6 – Generalized 4600 GP case for PB EAs :-

APBEE has filed generalized 4600 GP case for APBEE EAs on dated 04/07/2023 and the date of its first hearing is on 12/07/2023.

(7.) As we know that in last 5-6 months no. of court cases has increased and thus our expenditure has increased. So, we need a periodic contribution. This contribution may be combined for a common purpose but it’s return is for each individual. So, we have decided to do a periodic contribution of Rs.1000 two times in one year. First one is from 1st January to 31st January and second one from 1st July to 31st July. This fund will be used for court cases and other welfare matters to all APBEE members. We will continue this type of contribution till association have sufficient amount in it’s account. As, we all know that if association will have sufficient amount of money in it’s account, then we can do our work smoothly.

(8.) One query was raised for what is exactly stand of APBEE on promotional post of EA. It is cleared that we are ready to accept SEA, If it is provided by back date. EA to SEA promotion has to be done before SEA to AE promotion so that we may also be eligible and will appear in SEA to AE exam. Otherwise our demand is to have direct promotion from EA to AE.

(9.) Some members have raised their queries that they have lost their faith in APBEE as there is no transparency in expenditure. We have already uploaded the audit report of AY 2022- 23 on APBEE website.Also recently we have uploaded the current audit report of AY 2023-24 on APBEE website. Team APBEE will also try to arrange meetings frequently at various station all over India as few members have raised the issue of organising meeting after so long time.

(10.) We are also planning to give representation in Prasar Bharati for the promotion of PB Technicians to the post of EA by providing one time relaxation.

(11.) It is suggested to all members to have faith on APBEE and it’s office bearers. Each single rupee contributed to association will be used for welfare of its members. All of us stay united.

(12.) Very soon APBEE will send a letter to Prasar Bharati for the compensation of β‚Ή 50 lakh for the PB employees who have lost their life due to COVID 19.

(13.) Some members raised a question about contractual engagement of retired EA and SEA for CCU and other units in DDK/DD News.
APBEE will also write a letter to Prasar Bharati regarding this matter very soon.

(14.) NPS 14 % for PB employes:-

As we know Prasar Bharati in its board meeting has already approved the 14 % NPS for Prasar Bharati employees.Prasar Bharati has send this proposal to ministry for approval/signed.As soon as file revert back to Prasar Bharati after approval,Prasar Bharati will issue order of 14% NPS for PB employees very soon.

(15.) On medical issues :-

As we know health ministry has again denied CGHS facility to PB employees after the regular follow up by APBEE team. Recently Prasar Bharati has constituted a comittee for the comprehensive medical facility(OPD limit+IPD) for PB employees.Presently this proposal is in active consideration in management committee of Prasar Bharati.

With Regards