
Minutes of meeting of the 2nd General body meeting of APBEE which were held on dated 16/06/22 at DDK Delhi.

(1.) This physical meeting were attended by more than 30 members of APBEE from DDK, DD news, DG: DD, R&D & PBS.

(2.) Sh. Mahesh Prasad (Gen. Secretary) elaborated about the importance of physical meeting & appreciated the members for attending the meeting.

(3.) Sh. Hari Pratap Gautam (President) described details about the recently physical meeting discussed with the Member(Personnel & Finance).In the said meeting, the main agenda were Promotion of PB employees, 4600(GP) for PB EAs & 4200(GP) for Tech., CGHS, problems and limitations with PBHS scheme, NPS(14 %), Group Insurance & Recognition of APBEE in Prasar Bharati.

The following assurance were given by the Member(P&F) and their officials.

(A) For the promotion policy:-

The Member (P&F) instructed ADG(A) Sh.Manish Chugh to arrange a separate meeting with APBEE representatives on promotion issue and frame suitable RR for the promotion of PB employees.

(B.) For CGHS & NPS:-

The Member (P&F) assured us that he will look into this matter personally & will also inform to the members accordingly.

(C.) For PBHS policy:-

The concerned authorities will issue a letter to all HOO of AIR & DD for the compulsory empanelment of atleast two Hospitals & Diagnostic centres.

(D.) For group insurance:-

The conclusion report had not been submitted in last meeting. So, this process is presently pending.

(E.) Recognition of APBEE:-

We will also give our representation regarding Recognition of APBEE in Prasar Bharati to frame appropriate PB(RSA) and recognise APBEE.
