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PB Orders/circulars

Read latest Circulars and Orders by Prasarbharati

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The journey towards APBEE begins

Hi Friends, This is the official blog for the members of APBEE (Association of Prasar Bharati Engineering Employees). APBEE was conceived in January 2018 and the founder members were the Employees of Prasar Bharati Engineering wing, recruited after 5th October 2007. The association will be dedicated to protect the rights and welfare matters of Prasar […]

Medical treatment of PB Employees Clarification

In pursuance of the approval of the Prasar Bharati Board in its 144th meeting heldon 21.09.2017 and in continuation to this Secretariat’s Office Order No. 335/2016 dated22.11.2016, the following guidelines are proposed for effective implementation ofmedical policy as issued vide order dated 22.112016 in respect of the employees ofPrasar Bharati recruited after 05.10.2007, as defined […]