********** Minutes of Meeting-1 on 3rd May 2022 at 07:30 PM. First Meeting of the Central Working Committee of APBEE is conducted in on 3rd May 2022. Agenda items discussed during the 1st CWC meeting after the newly elected body. 1. Opening address – by President 2. General Secretary’s Congratulatory note were given to all […]
MOU with Hospitals in Kanpur
Prasar Bharati has signed MOU with Various Diagnostics Hospitals in Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh) for the treatment of PB Employees & their dependents under Prasar Bharati health Scheme (PBHS). Madhuraj Hospital in Swaroop Nagar, Kanpur, UP Regency Hospital Sarvodaya Nagar, Kanpur, UP
MOU with Hospitals in Patna
Prasar Bharati has signed MOU with Various Diagnostics Hospitals in Patna (Bihar) for the treatment of PB Employees & their dependents under Prasar Bharati health Scheme (PBHS).
MOU with Hospitals in Lucknow
Prasar Bharati has signed MOU with Various Diagnostics Hospitals in Lucknow for the treatment of PB Employees & their dependents under Prasar Bharati health Scheme (PBHS).
MOU with Hospitals in Delhi
Prasar Bharati has signed MOU with Venkateshwar Hospitals, Sec 18A, Dwarka New Delhi for two years under Prasar Bharati health Scheme (PBHS).
MOU with Hospitals in Delhi
Prasar Bharati has signed MOU with more than 15 hospitals in Delhi /NCR region under Prasar Bharati Health Scheme (PBHS) for two years. Out of this Multispecialty Hospitals are 7, Dental Hospitals are 3 & Eye Hospitals are 5. List of the hospitals is attached.
Clarification about Vaccination charges in PBHS policy
Prasar Bharati vide its order dated: 22/11/2016, 06/10/2017 & 16.05.2018 hasalready been stated that “The reimbursement towards OPD treatment would not berestricted as per CGHS rates and would be as per actuals (i.e. limit laid down in PBSorder No. A-10011/5/2015-PPC dated:22/11/2016) on production of original bills and prescription by Doctor”
Representation To PB for Grant Non-Productivity Linked Bonus
First Reminder Representation regarding implementation of modification in Employer’s contribution un
Ref. 1. Ministry of Finance, Department of Financial Services Notification Dated 31.01.2019. Ref. 2. Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure Office Memorandum no. 1(3)/EV/2020 Dated 26.08.2021