Gazette of India Notification on 20 Feb 2013 for the post of Engineering Assistant.
Umbrella Notification of Prasar Bharati- 2016
The Gazette of India Notification on 11 Nov 2016 for all the post of Prasar Bharati Coorporation.
Recruitment Rules for Assistant Engineer
Gazette of India Notification on 7 July 1982 for RR- Assistant Engineer Gazette of India Notification on 3 May 1985 for Amendment RR- Assistant Engineer
Minutes of meeting of the 2nd General body meeting of APBEE which were held on 16/06/22 at DDK Delhi...
📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌 Minutes of meeting of the 2nd General body meeting of APBEE which were held on dated 16/06/22 at DDK Delhi. (1.) This physical meeting were attended by more than 30 members of APBEE from DDK, DD news, DG: DD, R&D & PBS. (2.) Sh. Mahesh Prasad (Gen. Secretary) elaborated about the importance of physical […]
SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for the payment of gratuity and leave encashment in respect of Pr...
The retirement benefits such as gratuity and leave encashment in respect of Government employees on deemed deputation to Prasar Bharati are being referred to concerned PAO’s for per-auditing and corrections for any shortcoming/discrepancies. But there was no procedure for the settlement of retirement benefits i.r.o Prasar Bharati (CAB) employees recruited after 05-10-2007.Due to this the […]
Second Reminder Representation regarding implementation of modification in Employer’s contribution u
Ref. 1. Ministry of Finance, Department of Financial Services Notification Dated 31.01.2019. Ref. 2. Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure Office Memorandum no. 1(3)/EV/2020 Dated 26.08.2021
Minutes of meeting of 4th June 2022 though online meeting
An online meeting of CWC APBEE team was take placed on 04/06/2022 in which the detail discussion held on medical issues of our pb employees. Discussed points are as follows: 1) All aspects of medical issues were discussed ex- CGHS, PBHS Policy, OPD limit, Medical insurance etc. 2) The President had elaborated that all the […]
Representation regarding Issues related to Prasar Bharati Engineering Employees
Clarification regarding Prasar Bharati Medical Policy
Prasar Bharati vide its order dated: 22/11/2016, 06/10/2017 & 16.05.2018 hasalready been stated that “The reimbursement towards OPD treatment would not berestricted as per CGHS rates and would be as per actuals (i.e. limit laid down in PBSorder No. A-10011/5/2015-PPC dated:22/11/2016) on production of original bills andprescription by Doctor”.
MOU with Hospitals in Jaipur
Prasar Bharati has signed MOU with Various Diagnostics Hospitals in Jaipur (Rajasthan) for the treatment of PB Employees & their dependents under Prasar Bharati health Scheme (PBHS).